My cousin introduced me to a new band recently called Sleepy Sun from San Francisco. I checked they're tour date and it happened they were playing last weekend 7/24/10 at Pappy and Harriet's in Pioneer Town near Joshua Tree.
Every time I go to Joshua Tree or Pioneer Town I try to visit the Cactus Mart in Morongo Valley on my way there or back. I might not always get something, but it's fun to look at all the stuff they have there. I boughta beautiful succulent this time that is in the Famly: Ruscaceae; Genus: Sansevieria. I can't find it's exact name. It needs filtered sunlight [Sleepy Sun] or it will burn. I think I have the perfect place to plant it.
After the cactus nursery excursion, later that night we saw Sleepy Sun play. They were in a great line up. Jay Babcock, the editor of Arthur Magazine, is now booking shows at Pappy and Harriet's. He invited the Radar Brothers of Atwater, CA to play that night. They played a great set and their sound was crisp and clear. It looked like their keyboard player was mixing some of their sound when he was playing. I'm not a music writer, so I'll try my best. The Radar Brothers reminded me of a more modern, interesting version of the Stone Roses. There were a lot of pop elements to the music that built up into a layered wall of noise that brought it all to a "fascinating crescendo."
Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound followed and then Sleepy Sun came on. I like what I would call "New Psych" including bands like the Black Angels, so to me Sleepy Sun falls into that category. Their set BLEW ME AWAY. It was one of the better bands that I've seen in a while. I felt like I was totally transported away by their music and that doesn't happen too often when I see newer bands play.